Global Commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation10,000 people expected at Sam Nujoma Stadium on 14 MayREAD
Addressing the challenges of the world todayThe theme of the Twelfth LWF Assembly – “Liberated by God’s Grace” – will be further explored in three so-called sub-themes that all focus on that which is “not for sale”. Rev. Anne Burghardt, Study Secretary for Ecumenical Relations, explains how the themes will be presented at the Assembly,READ
Rev. Lydia Posselt to preach at the Assembly closing worshipThirty-two year old ELCA pastor convinces with her sermon “The Jesus Parade”READ
Commemorative stamp issued in NamibiaAs the Twelfth Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) which is held in Windhoek, Namibia, from 10 to 16 May draws closer, NamPost - Namibia Post - is issuing a first day cover, a single stamp souvenir sheet and a post card stamp taking up the commemoration of 500 years of Reformation.READ
Dr Denis Mukwege to give keynote speech at LWF Assembly in NamibiaHuman rights champion to speak about gender-based violence, healing and peaceREAD
The LWF and Namibia’s quest for independenceThe Namibian churches and the LWF played a vital role during Namibia’s struggle for independence.READ
Zero hunger and quality education paramount to AfricaAfrica Pre-Assembly discusses Sustainable Development GoalsREAD
Perfectly united in proclaiming the gospelAfrican Bishop calls for focus on joint witness at beginning of Africa Pre-AssemblyREAD
Mutuality and solidarity at the heart of the communion of churchesLWF General Secretary Martin Junge addresses delegates at Africa Pre-AssemblyREAD