Regional Pre-Assemblies

Latin America, the Caribbean and North America

The LAC and North America Pre-Assemblies are places in which LWF member churches prepared for the upcoming LWF Assembly. This was their opportunity to propose delegates for the next set of LWF leaders. Looking towards 500 years of the Reformation, the churches reflected on their Lutheran identity, reviewed the pilgrimage from the last Assembly to date, looked at the ways in which the churches have witnessed the gospel in different contexts and envisioned ways in which they could keep working on God’s mission in society.

The meeting was held in Paramaribo, Suriname, from 27 August to 3 September 2016.


The Asia pre-Assembly brought together participants of the Assembly to prepare them for the Assembly by explaining and deliberating the agenda items in relation to the situation in their home churches and societies. The outcome was to be shared with other member churches for feedback. This process further strengthens the outcomes to be presented at the Assembly. The other important role was to identify and deliberate on important regional and local issues which will be brought before the Assembly.

The meeting was held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 16 to 19 August 2016.



The Europe pre-Assembly is an opportunity for LWF member churches to prepare for the upcoming LWF Assembly. Looking towards 500 years of the Reformation, attendees of the pre-Assembly will reflect on their Lutheran identity, review the pilgrimage from the last Assembly, look at the ways in which the churches have witnessed the gospel in different contexts and envision how to continue fulfilling God’s mission in society.

The meeting will be held in Höör, Sweden, from 31 January to 3 February 2017.


The Africa pre-Assembly is an opportunity for LWF member churches to prepare for the upcoming LWF Assembly. Looking towards 500 years of the Reformation, attendees of the pre-Assembly will reflect on their Lutheran identity, review the pilgrimage from the last Assembly, look at the ways in which the churches have witnessed the gospel in different contexts and envision how to continue fulfilling God’s mission in society.

The meeting will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 5 to 11 February 2017.