Regional stories
Enhancing interfaith dialogue and cooperationAssembly workshop demonstrates impact of LWF initiatives around the worldREAD
Traditional coffee ceremony is more than just a beverageOmatala display lifts up the importance of coffee in the Ethiopian cultureREAD
Gender issues are theologicalNew African region representative shares her priorities for councilREAD
Decreasing membership and dwindling fundsWorkshop on “What does Salvation not for sale mean, if nobody wants to buy?”READ
“There is a lack of support for rape victims”Great concern about the situation in Angola and CongoREAD
“It is so much more than I thought it would be.”Youth steward, Jenna Bratvold shares her experience at the LWF AssemblyREAD
False promises of salvationVillage group of Lutherans worldwide discuss commercial practices in the churchREAD
“Music is the best driving vehicle of the Gospel”Music and culture at the LWF Assembly in NamibiaREAD