Appelé-e-s à se tourner vers l’extérieur avec gratitude pour le serviceMessage de la Douzième Assemblée de la FLMLIRE
« Envoyé-e-s dans le monde, pour partager nos fruits aux autres »La jeune luthérienne Lydia Posselt prononce la prédication de clôture à la Douzième Assemblée de WindhoekLIRE
LWF Assembly issues resolution on the war in SyriaSupport for those working to alleviate suffering and those working for peaceLIRE
The Unsung Heroes of the AssemblyFeeling welcomed as a guest – Personal impressions by Umesh Pokharel, NepalLIRE
LWF Assembly issues Public Statement on the genocide in NamibiaSupport to Namibian and German efforts for reconciliationLIRE
“Rethink economics to save a dying planet”Climate justice advocate Kopp speaks to LWF Assembly on “Creation - not for sale”LIRE
Namibian musical extravaganza gets bishops dancing and worshippers swayingAfter 500th Reformation ceremony at Sam Nujoma Stadium Namibian churches present cultural performancesLIRE