1) The Twelfth Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation takes note, with deep regret, that the long-standing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians remains unresolved. It also observes that the LWF, through its previous assemblies and council meetings has called for peace with justice in Palestine and Israel. The Assembly reaffirms the efforts of the churches, the international community and all persons of good will toward a peaceful resolution of the conflict. This Assembly, like previous assemblies, calls for an end to the now 50-year-long occupation, violence, political and religious extremism and any violation of human rights.
2) In fervent hope, the Assembly is grateful for all good faith efforts to negotiate a final status agreement which affirms two states for two peoples, internationally recognized borders between Israel and a viable, contiguous Palestine based on the 1967 armistice lines, security guarantees for Israel and Palestine, mutual recognition and full and equal rights for their citizens, a fair resolution to the Palestinian refugee issue, and a shared Jerusalem between Israelis and Palestinians with free access to the holy sites for the three monotheistic faiths -- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
3) Even so, the Assembly is alarmed by increased tensions in the Holy Land as evidenced by sporadic fatal attacks on Palestinians and Israelis, the prisoners’ hunger strike, the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza and increased illegal settlement activity in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and calls upon governments, intergovernmental bodies, people of faith and all others of goodwill to work to end the occupation, reduce these tensions and take all measures to avoid resorting to violence or military responses.
4) The Assembly is grateful to God for the ministries and institutions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL), e.g. its schools, other educational and social institutions, its congregations, and its work for reconciliation, and those who have supported this important work. The Assembly also strongly reaffirms the ELCJHL’s efforts in interreligious dialogue which are indispensable for building a just peace and for healing of the conflict.
5) The Assembly also expresses appreciation for the life-saving work of the Lutheran World Federation’s ministries, including the Augusta Victoria Hospital, and calls upon the member churches, governments and intergovernmental bodies to continue to support these ministries in their humanitarian service to the Palestinian people.