It was a spontaneous decision but one that will hold lasting memories for Jenna Bratvold, youth steward at the Twelfth Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF).
Bradvold, 21, is from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) and says she really didn’t know that much about the LWF or the Twelfth Assembly when she prepared her application for the youth steward position. “It was in Africa, that was a big draw,” says Bratvold, “but it was also an opportunity to learn more about the work of the LWF.”
Bratvold’s steward work means she gets a view into many aspects of the Assembly. She was a participant in the Youth Pre-Assembly and really enjoying having voice and vote. When the Assembly started, she did registration for the first few days. From there she has been involved in the main plenary hall assisting in a variety of ways, including sitting at the microphones and relaying delegate information by walkie talkie so that proper information is projected on the screens.
A highlight for Bratvold is that she is able to listen in on the sessions. “It is so much more than I thought it would be,” she says. “We are talking about real issues and about how our church and our communion can impact the world.” Bratvold’s interests at the Assembly include discussions on the Gender Justice Policy and ensuring education is accessible to everyone.
The experience has Bratvold interested in becoming a youth delegate for the next Assembly. “I want to be more involved in the work of the church,” she says, “Being a part of the Assembly has been such a great opportunity. I’m so glad I found out about it! I’m so thankful for the LWF and the ELCIC for supporting me and bringing me here.”
LWF/Trina Gallop